Sunday, May 8, 2011

Thinking in Valdivia

Here are some random thoughts mostly about Valdivia. 

--Whenever I see the Southern Cross proudly asserting itself upon the Milky Way, I get the warm fuzzies.  Then comes a slight pang of guilt for cheating on the Big Dipper.  But I'll be home soon, Big Guy.

--Reasons why Terpel is better than the majority of gas stations in the US:  empanadas, people fill up your gas for you (I said the majority), Spanish music videos, both indoor and outdoor seating options, funny name.

 --Speaking of Spanish music videos, this song is muy popular here and I saw the video today (at above gas station) and needless to say, maybe I should plan a trip to México soon...

--I am going to have a hard time getting used to paying more than $4 for movies when I get home.  Must figure out a way around this.

--Why aren't there any female micro drivers?

--Bed head is a way different and more threatening monster with short hair.

--I love the rain but when it rains here the sidewalks become overrun with snails and I hate hearing that sickening, life-ending crunch of their shells under my shoes.  I'm so sorry to every snail I have unwillingly crushed. 

--I think after a year here, the smell of wood burning fires is no longer associated primarily with camping but with Valdivia at dusk.  Every home is heated by fireplaces and many don't have an electric oven, but a wood burning one (electricity is really expensive and they're damming up Patagonia to make more).

--WHAT ARE TRUFAS MADE OF?!  (Soon to be answered when Jac gets the secret recipe from our favorite cafe at the end of the semester!!  Sometimes it pays to be a regular)

--Does this blog look like it belongs to an old lady?

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