Monday, May 2, 2011

To Name a Few

I love Spanish.  Learning a new language has been one of the most challenging, frustrating, headache-inducing, tested, trying and mistake riddled experiences of my entire life but it has also been one of the most rewarding.  And it's especially worth it when I encounter the following phrases.  This is because sometimes I translate things literally in my head (more when I'm reading than speaking, it's a bad habit though) and they just sound funny.  Here are a few such phrases that I could think of off the top of my head, enjoy! 

He falls on me well.
Have you eaten her yet?  Any good eating this weekend?
Congrats, your wife is giving the light.
She’s my soul twin.
I spotted myself.
The thing forgot itself unto me.
The thing also fell itself.
I feel like going gringo today.
She walked down the snail stairs.
How does dinner at the free fork sound?
Speaking of the King of Rome.
Are you awake yet or do you follow sleeping?
That you enjoy the movie!
This place has too many green old men.
When the river makes noise it’s because it brings rocks.
Things I have: hunger, thirst, jealously, guilt, heat, cold, sleepyness.
Have you taken the decision yet?
Today we’ll talk close to politics.

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