Sunday, July 3, 2011

Holy Smokes!

Two weeks out!  Two weeks from today I will be driving down Bedford St, drinking a cup of my Dad's french press, applying sunscreen.  Two weeks is a weird time before a big trip because it's too early to start packing but you can't stop thinking about how little time you have left to do everything.  I'll probably write more about this later but I do not have any lingering things to do or places to see in Valdivia.  I have taken advantage of this city and really feel that I have done it justice.  I can almost guarantee that I will never live here again (never say never) but it's been good to me and I will look back on my time here very fondly. 

Okay, couple more things:

The ash has arrived!  A month ago, Vulcan Puyehue erupted, big deal, ash cloud, evacuations, blah blah blah and yesterday, the city finally got it's first taste of the ash cloud that traveled around the world and closed almost every major airport in the Southern Hemisphere.  Yes, the ash that lightly covered Valdivia last night traveled from 70 miles away around the entire world and now it's back.  Weird stuff.
 Dog print in the ash.

Also, I stopped to wish the neighborhood Mormons a feliz cuatro de Julio when I ran into them on my walk today and I am proud to say that they totally thought I was Chilean for a full few minutes of conversation before I told them where I was from.  Although, they hadn't been here too long.  Mom and Nana and Papa, do you guys remember that Mormon dad in Buenos Aires that thought we looked super clueless so he offered his son's translating abilities?  I'm sort of comforted by the thought that no matter where I will go in the world, there are some very friendly Americans right around the corner at the local Mormon church.

Speaking of 4th of July, we're celebrating by watching the America Cup (Chile vs. Mexico) at a local bar which sounds like the least American way I can think of.   Sorry, South America (and Portland) but I still don't really give a flip about soccer.  Although it'll be fun to be around rowdy Chilean fans.  OH and I am further biased against la copa because they are showing the games instead of Tempano!  I am never going to find out how it ends!  Is Susana really going to marry Damien?  Where is all Ampáro's money coming from?  Can Teresa ever forgive Javier?  Is Luciano the father?  Does Monica love Silvio?  Will Alvaro ever get justice?  Does Loretto still want the divorce?  I WILL NEVER KNOW.

So happy 4th, America, see you soon!

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